Anno 2001
Anno 2002

Pubblicazione realizzata dalla Scuola Media Statale “I. Nievo” di Mansuè, Dicembre 2001

U2 are a very popular Irish pop group. They are four: Bono, The Edge, Larry Mullins and Adam Clayton. Adam plays the bass, Larry plays the drums, The Edge and Bono play the guitar and sing. Bono writes the lyrics and he is the leader of the band.
At the beginning, in 1977, they called their band “Feedback”; they played in Dublin, the city they lived in, and they soon became very popular in Ireland. At this point they decided to change the name of the band to “ The Hype” and finally to “U2 . In 1980 they went to London and they had their first contract with the Island Records. Their first albums were: “Boy”, “October” and “War”. These albums included a lot of songs about the social and political problems of the modern world, especially of Northern Ireland. This is the case of the song “Sunday bloody Sunday” (from the album “War”) written to remember the assassination of thirteen Catholic people in Derry in 1972.
In the 80s they became very famous all over the world. They made other albums: “The Unforgettable Fire”, “The Joshua Tree”, “Achtung Baby” and “Zooropa”. Young people liked the kind of music they played and the lyrics Bono wrote. Their last album was”All that you can’t leave behind”. It appeared in 2000 and it includes the song “Elevation” which gave the name to their last tour around the world called “Elevation Tour 2001”.

Here is the song “Elevation” and its translation into Italian.

High, higher than the sun

You shoot me from your gun
I need you to elevate me here
at the corner of your lips
at the orbit of your hips
eclipse, you elevate my soul.
I’ve got all self-control
been living like a mole
now going down, excavation
I and I in the sky
You make me feel like I can fly.
so high, elevation.
A star lit up like a cigar
strung out like a guitar
maybe you could elevate my mind te
explain all these controls
I can’t sing but I’ve got a soul
the goal is elevation
A mole, living in a hole
digging up my soul
going down, excavation
I and I in the sky
you make me feel like I can fly
so high, elevation
Love, lift me out of these blues
won’t you tell me something true
I believe in you
A mole, living in a hole ……….

In alto, più in alto del sole

Tu mi spari dalla tua pistola
ho bisogno di te per volare qui,
nell’angolo delle tue labbra
nell’orbita delle tue anche
eclissi, tu fai volare la mia anima.
So controllarmi molto bene
poiché vivo come una talpa
che scava sempre più in giù,
tu mi fai sentire capace di volare
in alto nel cielo, elevazione.
Una stella accesa come un sigaro
allineata come le corde di una chitarra
forse tu potresti far volare la mia mente
spiegare tutti questi controlli
io non riesco a cantare ma ho un’anima
il cui fine è l’elevazione.
Una talpa che vive in un buco
che scava la mia anima
che scava sempre più in basso
tu mi fai sentire capace di volare
in alto nel cielo
Amore, liberami da tutta questa tristezza
non vuoi dirmi qualcosa di vero
io credo in te.
Una talpa che vive in un buco………

Chiara e Sara (3 H)