Anno 2001
Anno 2002

Giugno 2001
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If we could go on a trip in a foreign city we would go to London. In our opinion London is an interesting city for people of any age because there is a great variety of places to see and of things to do. If we went to London we would stay there three days at least. The first day we would get on The London Eye , a very big wheel, not far from Westminster Bridge, built to celebrate the new millennium. Guess!! It is 135 metres high, it has got 33 capsules and 25 people can sit in each of them; it takes thirty minutes to do one rotation and, if the weather is fine, we would have a wonderful sight of the whole city. It would be exciting!! Then we would see some of the most famous places nearby, for example Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of the Queen of England, and at 11.30 a.m., the Changing of the Guards which takes place every day in front of the palace. After that, in the afternoon, we would visit The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben ; Big Ben is a big clock on a tower of the Parliament, it is the landmark of London. At this point we would have a walk along Piccadilly to Piccadilly Circus, London’s busiest roundabout, full of shops and restaurants, we would do some shopping and we would play videogames at The Trocadero Centre. It would be nice to see this “square” in the evening because its buildings are covered with a lot of illuminated advertisements. The next day we would go to Trafalgar Square and to The National Gallery; Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, in the middle of it you can see Nelson’s Column. Then we would take The Tube (London’s underground) to go to The Tower; in the past it was a prison and fortress, now it is a museum where the Crown Jewels are kept. After that we would reach Tower Bridge and we would walk across it; Tower Bridge is a particular bridge because it can open and ships can pass under it. The last day we would go to Mme Tussaud’s, the most famous wax models museum in the world; in this place you can see the wax models of famous people from all over the world, from the past to the present. Do you know that downstairs there is a special section called The Chamber of Horrors? Well, in this section you can see the wax models of famous criminals and murderers presented in a terrifying atmosphere. It is terrific, don’t you think so? Finally we would go to Hyde Park, the largest park in London. It would be relaxing to spend some time sitting on the deck- chairs near The Serpentine, an artificial lake in the middle of the park or to have a walk among the trees. Do you know that London has got more than sixty parks? Londoners love their parks and they enjoy spending some of their free time there.

The means of transport we could use to move around London are the Tube, the buses and the taxis. The Tube is the fastest means of transport and it carries thousand of people every day. It has got eleven lines and each line has a different colour. A Tube station is indicated by a red circle with a blue line reporting the name of the station. Do you know that many rats live in there? Well, in some parts of London there are fifteen rats for every person!!! London buses are special, they are double-decker and red. If you want to take a bus, you can recognise a bus station because it is indicated by a red circle with a red line reporting the name of the station. You can buy your ticket inside the bus, from the bus driver. Listen! Three million people use the buses in London; every year people leave eleven thousand umbrellas and two thousand gloves on them!!! Finally there are the taxis. London taxis are less expensive than the Italian ones. They are all Austin, most of them are black, some are covered with colourful advertisements. If you want to take a taxi, remember that a taxi is free when the sign, which is on the taxi, is lighted up. Would you like to come to London with us? We would have a very good time!!!

Chiara and Stella Maris
con la collaborazione
di Alice, Isabella ed Efrem (III H)